Facebook Insights

The integration of "Facebook Insights" Connector seamlessly connects your Facebook account to Whatsdash, utilizing data to generate visually appealing reports on the dashboard. Simply click on the "+" icon of Facebook Insights from the list of available integrations on the "Integrations" page.

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Then provide your login credentials to establish the connection with the data source. Once the data source is linked, it will appear in the list of connected integrations.

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Now you can generate report with Facebook Insights as per below screen shot.

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Facebook Insights metrics and dimensions -

List of Metrics

New Fans (New Page Likes)PageThe number of new people who have liked your Page. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page UnlikesPagePage Unlikes Unique & Page Unlikes
Page Organic ImpressionsPageThe number of times your posts were seen in News Feed or Ticker or on visits to your Page. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Viral ImpressionsPageThe number of impressions of a story published by a friend about your Page. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Timeline, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Organic 30sec. ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds by organic reach. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Video ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page ViewsPageThe number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by logged in and logged out people. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Average Reach Per PostPosts-
Post Engage UserPosts-
Post ImpressionsPosts-
Post Video ViewsPost VideoThe number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Please note that this metric will only show data for videos published during your selected time period.
Post Paid Video ViewsPost VideoThe number of times your video was viewed via paid impression for 3 seconds or more. Please note that this metric will only show data for videos published during your selected time period.
Page EngagementPageThe number of times people clicked on any of your content. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Engagement RatePageThe number of people who engaged with your Page divided by the number of people who saw any of your content. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Fans (Page Likes)PageThe number of people who have liked your Page. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Paid ReachPageThe number of people who saw a sponsored story or Ad about your Page. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page ReachPageThe number of people (unique users) who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen over the last daily period. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page, and more.
Page Negative FeedbackPageThe number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Mobile Check-insCheckinsThe number of times people checked into a place using mobile phones. Please note that this metric will only show data for check-ins that occurred during your selected time period.
Unique Check-insCheckinsThe number of people who checked into a place. Please note that this metric will only show data for check-ins that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Total 30sec. Video ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Auto-Played 30sec. ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's autoplayed videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Paid 30sec. ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed to the end, or for more than 30 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Auto-Played Video ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's autoplayed videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Organic Video ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds by organic reach. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Unique Video ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been played for unique people for more than 3 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Average Comments Per PostPosts-
Average Shares Per PostPosts-
Post Organic ReachPosts-
Post Viral ReachPosts-
AngryReactionsTotal post "angry" or "anger" reactions of a page. Please note that this metric will only show data for reactions that occurred during your selected time period.
Total ReactionsReactionsTotal post reactions of a page. Please note that this metric will only show data for reactions that occurred during your selected time period.
Post Unique Video ViewsPost VideoThe number of unique users who viewed your video at least once. Please note that this metric will only show data for videos published during your selected time period.
Total Social ImpactCustomThe total number of reactions on all posts, plus all the shares and all the page likes for the period.
Page Engaged UsersPageThe number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
FollowersPageThe number of people who have followed your Page. When people like your Page, they also automatically “follow” you. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Paid ImpressionsPageThe number of impressions of a Sponsored Story or Ad pointing to your Page. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Viral ReachPageThe number of people who saw your Page or one of its posts from a story published by a friend. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Timeline, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Unique Mobile Check-insCheckinsThe number of people who checked into a place using mobile phones. Please note that this metric will only show data for check-ins that occurred during your selected time period.
Check-insCheckinsThe number of times people checked into a place. Please note that this metric will only show data for check-ins that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Positive FeedbackPageThe number of times people took a postive action (liked, commented, shared, rsvp, answered a questions or claimed an offer). Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Total Actions on PagePageThe number of clicks on your Page's contact info and call-to-action button. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Unique Video 30sec. ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been played for unique people to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Clicked-to-Play Video ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 3 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Paid Video ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Average Likes Per PostPosts-
Posts CountPosts-
Post Organic ImpressionsPosts-
Post Paid ReachPosts-
Post ReachPosts-
Post Viral ImpressionsPosts-
Posts LikesPosts-
WowReactionsTotal post "wow" reactions of a page. Please note that this metric will only show data for reactions that occurred during your selected time period.
Post Auto-Played Video ViewsPost VideoNumber of times your video started automatically playing and people viewed it for more than 3 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for videos published during your selected time period.
Post CommentPosts-
Consumptions Per 1000 ImpressionsCustomThe total number of Page or Post consumptions divided by 1000 Impressions.
Page StoriesPageThe number of stories created about your Page. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Action Button ClicksPageTotal number of clicks on the Page CTA button by people who are logged in to Facebook. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page ImpressionsPageThe total number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Organic ReachPageThe number of people who visited your Page, or saw your Page or one of its posts in News Feed or Ticker. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Page Clicked-to-Play 30sec. ViewsPage VideoTotal number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 30 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for actions that occurred during your selected time period.
Post Paid ImpressionsPosts-
HahaReactionsTotal post "haha" reactions of a page. Please note that this metric will only show data for reactions that occurred during your selected time period.
LovesReactionsTotal post "love" reactions of a page. Please note that this metric will only show data for reactions that occurred during your selected time period.
SadReactionsTotal post "sad" or "sorry" reactions of a page. Please note that this metric will only show data for reactions that occurred during your selected time period.
Post Clicked-to-Play Video ViewsPost VideoNumber of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it more than 3 seconds. Please note that this metric will only show data for videos published during your selected time period.
Post Organic Video ViewsPost VideoThe number of times your video was organically viewed for 3 seconds or more. Please note that this metric will only show data for videos published during your selected time period.
Post SharesPosts-

List of Dimension

Likes SourcesFacebook
Age GenderFacebook
Story TypeFacebook
Feedback TypeFacebook