Pinterest Insights

The integration of "Pinterest Insights" Connector seamlessly connects your Pinterest account to Whatsdash, utilizing data to generate visually appealing reports on the dashboard. Simply click on the "+" icon of Pinterest Insights from the list of available integrations on the "Integrations" page.

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Then provide your login credentials to establish the connection with the data source. Once the data source is linked, it will appear in the list of connected integrations.

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Now you can generate report with Pinterest Insights as per below screen shot.

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Pinterest Insights metrics and dimensions -

List of Metrics

ImpressionsUser AnalyticsThe total number Impressions.
EngagementUser AnalyticsThe total number of engagements.
Engagement RateUser AnalyticsThe ratio of engagements (as persentage).
Outbound ClicksUser AnalyticsThe total number of closeups.
Outbound Clicks RateUser AnalyticsThe closeup rate (as percentage).
Pin ClicksUser AnalyticsThe total number clickthroughs
Pin Click RateUser AnalyticsThe clickthrough rate(as persentage).
SaveUser AnalyticsThe total number of saves.
Save RateUser AnalyticsThe save rate(as persentage).
Video Average Watch TimeUser AnalyticsThe average watch time of videos on Pinterest.
Video 50% WatchUser AnalyticsThe average watch time for videos where at least 50% of the content is viewed.
95th Percentile View CountUser AnalyticsThe 95th percentile of the view count.
Video StartUser AnalyticsThe percentage of users who start watching a video.
Video 10s ViewsUser AnalyticsThe number of times people watched your videos for at least 10 seconds.
Video Media Response RateUser AnalyticsThe video media response rate.
Video 50% WatchPin AnalyticsThe average watch time for videos where at least 50% of the content is viewed.
95th Percentile View CountPin AnalyticsThe 95th percentile of the view count.
SavePin AnalyticsThe total number of saves.
Video StartPin AnalyticsThe percentage of users who start watching a video.
Video Media Response RatePin AnalyticsThe video media response rate.
Pin ClicksPin AnalyticsThe total number clickthroughs
Outbound ClicksPin AnalyticsThe total number of closeups.
ImpressionsPin AnalyticsThe total number Impressions.
Video 10s ViewsPin AnalyticsThe number of times people watched your videos for at least 10 seconds.
Save RatePin AnalyticsThe save rate(as persentage).
Video Average Watch TimePin AnalyticsThe average watch time of videos on Pinterest.

List of Dimension

DateUser AnalyticsThe date associated with the metric.
DatePin AnalyticsThe date associated with the metric.
LinkPin AnalyticsThe URL associated with the Pinterest Pin.
TitlePin AnalyticsThe title of the Pinterest Pin as specified by the creator.
TypePin AnalyticsThe type of media associated with a pin.