Pinterest Ads Connector for Visual Dashboard Reports

The "Pinterest Ads" Connector seamlessly integrates your Pinterest account with WhatsdashTM, facilitating the extraction of data to create visually compelling reports directly on the dashboard. This integration streamlines campaign monitoring and enhances insights into Pinterest Ads performance, providing marketers with actionable analytics at their fingertips.




Consolidate your Pinterest Ads statistics into a single, understandable dashboard.

Improve efficiency with widgets preloaded with key KPIs. Just drag and drop and you're done, turning data tracking into a seamless experience. Easily extend your analysis.


Spend in Micro Dollar

The total amount spent in micro dollars.

Paid Impressions

The total number of paid impressions.

Available Metrics, Segments, & Dimensions

Users typically integrate the following metrics
and dimensions when compiling their Pinterest Ads reports.

CPC in Micro Dollar

The Cost Per Click in micro dollars.

ECPC in Micro Dollar

The effective cost per click in micro dollars.

ECPC in Dollar

The effective cost per click in dollars.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement. It is used to measure the success of an online advertising campaign for a particular website as well as the effectiveness of email campaigns.

Effective Click-Through Rate

The Effective Click-Through Rate (ECTR) is calculated as the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions, showing the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click.

Total Engagement

The total engagement count.

Effective Cost Per Engagement in Dollar

The effective cost per engagement in dollars.

Engagement Rate

The engagement rate represents the level of user interaction with Pinterest ads, calculated as a percentage.

ECPM in Micro Dollar

The effective cost per mille (ECPM) in micro dollars, representing the revenue generated per thousand impressions.

Repins Rate

The rate at which users on Pinterest repin content.

Cost per Mille (CPM) in Micro Dollar

The cost per thousand impressions in micro dollars.

Cost per Mille (CPM) in Dollar

The cost per thousand impressions in dollars.

Gross Impressions

The total number of gross impressions for the first ad placement.

Gross Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The gross click-through rate for the first link in micro dollars.

Total Click-throughs

The total number of click-throughs for Pinterest ads.

Total Impressions

The total number of impressions for Pinterest ads.


The total frequency of impressions for Pinterest ads.

Cost per Outbound Click in Dollar

The cost per outbound click in dollars.

Total Engagement Signups

The total number of engagements leading to signups.

Want to scale your business? Make sure your dashboards gives you the best business insight.